Sunday, July 17, 2016

What Happens to hermes replica Unsold Chanel Purses

You might catch a rare sale item at the boutique or a grand deal at their outlet store, but don't expect to run across a Chanel handbag at a charity auction or to acquire one through a group such as Dress for Success. No leftover, seasonal handbags are donated to charity.replica Hermes Birkin According to Forbes, the House of Chanel is jointly owned by Alain Wertheimer and Gerard Wertheimer, who are the grandsons of Coco Chanel's early partner, Pierre Wertheimer, and they keep their donations to charity separate and generally cash based.

And yes, this rumor appears to be true. Chanel has been known to burn leftover goods at the end of a season. In an attempt to outrun counterfeiters who make millions each year producing fake designer bags, Chanel has burned leftover stock so that no part of its brand is left to easily duplicate. Coco Chanel herself is believed to have initiated the first conflagration. In addition, disposing of leftover stock this way helps to preserve the upper class nature of the brand (only a few can afford it, as opposed to deep discounted sale items winding up on the arms of middle class soccer moms). In addition, the idea of a Chanel bonfire only adds to the mystic of Coco and her brand.

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